Image of PSA - IAM Negotiations Logo


This week in CLT, negotiations were convened under the supervision of the NMB and staff mediator Jack Kane.  Present for the Company were a few new faces on the Company’s negotiating committee including Margaret Soda, VP-Human Resources, Marcus Valentino, who has been hired as the new Director-Labor Relations, and Karl Hanisch, Director of Maintenance.  Your full Union negotiating committee was present and again joined by Grand Lodge Representative John Werkmeister.

Several discussions occurred this week concerning industry pressures on PSA, internal work and quality of life issues and other topics directly related to changes needing to be made.  We believe that these discussions were helpful and should assist with implementing improvements moving forward.  Additionally, a framework was laid via Letter of Agreement for an apprenticeship program to be developed with more information to come shortly.

A comprehensive proposal relating to all open economic items was presented to your committee late Thursday morning.  This proposal represented a significant move made by the company to reach an agreement.  There was not enough time during the remainder of the day on Thursday to complete a complete assessment of the proposal and draft a counter-proposal.  We will complete that assessment and be prepared to reply to the company and present them with a comprehensive counter-proposal at the next session set to occur during the week of October 9.  Due to government funding issues with the NMB, the location of the next session is still unknown at this point.  As soon we have that information, it will be communicated.

As soon as each mediation sessions conclude, information concerning those sessions will be released via bulletins on District Lodge letterhead. Please take the time to sign up to receive communications such as this PSA bulletin, and others, by going to WWW.IAMDL142.ORG and clicking on the red “Join Our Email List” button in the top left-hand corner. If you have questions, please contact myself, one of your negotiating committee members or a Shop Steward.  Your patience and solidarity will be essential in reaching a fair and equitable agreement for the membership as this process keeps moving forward.    With best wishes we remain


Sincerely and fraternally,

James M. Samuel


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