(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org


Brothers and Sisters,

The TWU-IAM Association was notified this week that the National Mediation Board has assigned two mediators to our negotiations. The mediators have indicated that, due to Federal budget concerns and scheduling, they will not schedule mediated negotiating sessions until after October.

The Association has demanded to meet with American with or without the mediators and as soon as possible. American has refused to meet.  All indications are that American wants to drag our negotiations out as long as possible.

While mediators can and do schedule negotiating sessions, the parties can meet and reach agreements anytime with or without the mediator in attendance. American Airlines has begun to stall our negotiations now that it is time to deal with the toughest issues before us: scope, retirement, healthcare and compensation.

To American, we say we will meet any time with or without mediators present. Negotiations are just that, negotiations. Waiting for a mediator or dragging your feet does not change the issues necessary to get a deal done. It’s time to get back to the table!



Your Association Executive Negotiating Committee


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