Concerns Over Job Action Posts on Social Media
October 15, 2021
Sisters and Brothers:
Recently, we had been advised by one of our companies that they saw posts on social media calling for job action by our members. Let me be very clear, the union does NOT support job actions that violate the current labor agreements. All contracts provide for processes to have disputes resolved. Please review your contracts or reach out to your union reps if you have concerns or need clarification. Also, be aware of your company’s social media policy.
We understand emotions are at their peak over the federal mandate. We have had discussions with our carriers on how this is going to be handled. Everyone is aware of the cases going through the courts and when those decisions are rendered, they will be precedent setting for the rest of the industry. If you are not planning on getting the vaccine, we strongly suggest you submit for an exemption.
All contracts have provisions for grieving unjust terminations and suspensions. Your union has been discussing our options with legal counsel and we will respond once the company determines the actions they will be taking. As we become aware of these changes, we will post that information.
Sincerely and fraternally,
David Supplee