Congratulations Mike “Bubba” Kara and Steven Livengood on your retirement!

Mike Kara

Mike “Bubba” Kara receiving his retirement watch from Victory Lodge President Mike Jones


Steven Livengood

Victory Lodge Trustee Mark DeLuke presenting a retirement watch to Steven Livengood

A big Congratulations goes to out to Powerplant Shop mechanics Mike “Bubba” Kara and Steven Livengood on their retirement on January 5th, 2018. Bubba, who worked 1st Shift, and Steven, who worked 2nd Shift, ended long and well-traveled careers with the last several years spent at the Offsite Facility in Charlotte.

Enjoy your retirement, gentlemen. And come see us at the Lodge sometime!


Mike Kara

Mike “Bubba” Kara and President Mike Jones


Steven Livengood

Trustee Mark DeLuke and Steven Livengood


CLT Powerplant Mechanics with Steven Livengood (center)