Members and Guests of Local 1725 gathered on Wednesday May 25th at Renaissance Golf Course to kick off the return of our yearly golf tournament. Due to the COVID Pandemic we had to suspend the tournament to keep our members safe. It felt good to get back together and have some fun with our sisters and brothers outside of the workplace . The proceeds from this spring tournament will go to benefit our adopted school Renaissance West STEAM Academy located just down the road from our local on West Boulevard . This school is a title one school that operates in an underserved community of children and parents. It is from community efforts such as ours that help to make sure the students are able to receive a quality education. The generous donations form our participants and other local businesses will help us to provide much needed back to school supplies for the students and teachers at the school. Thank you to all that came out and participated in this joyous event. A special thank you to the women’s, Human Rights, and Young Worker’s committees along with various others members from the fleet and mechanic and related who helped organize this event.
Photo Credits: Sister April Adcock, Brother Lous Gilmore.