(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org

Victory Lodge 1725

The February business meeting will be held on Thursday, February 13th, at 12:00 PM at 3727 Rose Lake Drive, Charlotte, NC 28217


2025 Steward Election Results 

2025 Local Lodge Committee Interview Process

Dear IAM Members of VL 1725,
As stated during the January Business Meeting, the Non-elected Committee Chair positions are open for interview.
Why is this happening? Our bylaws state that we shall annually re-evaluate the Chairpersons of these committees.

The process for the interviews shall be the following:

1.    Email me which Committee you are willing to lead at Nolan.d.arnold94@gmail.com vl1725recordingsecretary@gmail.com
2.    Be prepared to interview at the Local. After collecting all the emails, I will contact them via Email or Phone to set a meeting time.

It is the President’s duty to appoint a Chair. For this appointment to be completed, the President must have his selection approved by the executive board.
If the President’s selection is not approved, the process starts over.

The Committees Include:

Legislative, MNPL, Women’s, Human Rights, Education, Bylaws, Building, Veteran’s, Relief, Organizing, Young Workers, Community Service, Retirees, Events, Guide Dogs, Ground safety, EAP.

We also need 3 Auditors. The same process applies.

All approved appointments shall be announced at the following monthly business meeting.

Thank you all.

Please reach out to Nolan.d.Arnold94@gmail.com with any related questions.

In Solidarity,
Nolan Arnold
VL1725 Local President


About Us

Solidarity.. United, we are one. Standing together, we are unstoppable!

“Victory Lodge” Local 1725 is one of nearly 1,100 Local Lodges affiliated with the over 742,000 members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, 100,000 being employed in the Transportation Sector. The IAM; the Machinists Union and the IAMAW are accepted proper names for the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.

Local Lodge 1725 has been part of the Charlotte community since it was first chartered on June 2nd, 1943 after workers at Brown Equipment and Manufacturing voted to be represented by the Union. Representation in the airline industry started with Eastern Airlines in the early 1950’s.

The organizations leadership is distributed through district lodges in which the majority of these district lodges are responsible for direct collective bargaining for the local lodges for which they represent.

This lodge represents over 3500 active members from both District Lodges 141 & 142, and covers members employed at American Airlines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, PSA Airlines and Alaska Airlines.

The majority of members work at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. Our members are also represented in Raleigh and Asheville, NC; Greenville-Spartanburg and Charleston, SC and Dayton, OH.



Victory Lodge 1725’s First Puppy Sponsor.

We have some great news to share with our members. Last year we raised 15,000 dollars for Guide Dogs of America and Tender Loving Canines. Our local lodge gets a puppy sponsorship for every 5,000 dollars raised.  When a puppy is assigned a sponsor, it will wear a harness with our local lodge name printed on it.

 Our local is now the sponsor of our first pup. Her name is Iggy. She is a black female Lab. You can watch Iggy grow and progress as she lives with her puppy handlers and trains to become a Guide Dog. Please follow her on Facebook under Iggy’s Adventures.


EAP Resources

Upcoming Events

Officers And Staff

President:  Nolan Arnold   nolan.d.arnold@gmail.com

Vice-President:  Mark Caines  mcaines@vl1725.org

Recording Secretary: Josh Stone  vl1725recordingsecretary@gmail.com

Secretary-Treasurer: Gary Winchester  winchester.g.d@gmail.com

Lisa Leathers LLeathers@vl1725.org

Mary Goettl 

John Wilkinson


RJ Arnold 

Auditors: TBD


Executive Secretary: Gary Winchester  winchester.g.d@gmail.com

Communicator/Webmaster: TBD

Current Contracts

Office (704)357-0027

3727 Rose Lake Dr

Charlotte, NC 28217


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