2019 ASAP Count – Total Number of ASAP’s Filed (LUS)
Proactive ASAP’s: 151
Reactive ASAP’s: 147
Total ASAP’s filed in 2019 (LUS): 298
Airline Union-management Relations in the Age of SMS
Thought provoking article from AINonline.com written by John Goglia
The August 2019 issue of the Safety Management System (SMS) newsletter has now been published! Click the link below to download/print.
American Airlines Maintenance ASAP Reporting Site
For a short tutorial on how to file an ASAP Click Here..
American: American Airlines Safety Reporting System
NASA: ASRS – Aviation Safety Reporting System
Maintenance Personnel: Please read this article by John Goglia from AINonline concerning falsification of documents and the impact on your certifications. https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/blogs/torqued-your-certificate-may-be-line-what-you-dont-record#
Flight Safety Committee Mission
Air safety is the primary responsibility of every member and is a prime concern of the I.A.M. Therefore it shall be conceived that one of the primary functions of an aircraft mechanic is the discovery and reporting of air safety problems.
A mechanic will never permit external or internal pressures or personal desires to influence his judgment, nor will he/she knowingly do or permit any member to do anything that could jeopardize the safety of an aircraft.
It is further understood that in addition to aircraft mechanics, many other members of our union have a direct effect on flight safety, such as Dispatchers, Ramp Service Stores, and Utility personal. It is incumbent upon the Flight Safety Committee to educate and make all members aware of their contribution to, and for, air safety.
It is imperative that the members of the Committee remain focused on air safety without partisan considerations.
The Flight Safety Committee serves a three fold purpose:
- To participate in the investigation of catastrophic aircraft accidents
of all airlines represented by District 142. - To protect members to the fullest in FAA and NTSB hearings.
- To monitor air safety in the public
Read the latest Flight Safety Reports Here..
Click Here or the thumbnail above to view the updated Flight Safety Committee Contact Sheet
How Do I Get to ASAP? – Download and watch the PowerPoint now!!
*Note you will need Microsoft PowerPoint or Open Office Software to view this presentation.
*New! – You can also download in PDF format! Click this link: How Do I Get to ASAP? (PDF)
Recent Posts by the Flight Safety Committee

“C” is for “Consistency” – Ramp Safety
Ramp safety briefings are an important piece of a broader topic: Safety Culture. At the foundation of a good safety culture is clear, consistent communication on safety from all levels of an organization’s leadership….

Airline Union-management Relations in the Age of SMS*
November 1, 2019 Labor-management disputes at the airlines always raise the concern that safety may be affected. Usually, the concerns focus on the workplace tensions that arise when management and labor are involved in protracted disputes. Those workplace tensions can destroy the collaborative atmosphere important to aviation safety. They can also add stress to workers that can affect […]

AIR21 Whistleblower Protection Program
The Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century (AIR21) prohibits discrimination against air carrier industry employees who report information related to air carrier safety. Who may file under the AIR21 Whistleblower Protection Program? Only inputs from employees of US air carriers, their contractors, and their subcontractors are accepted under the AIR21 Whistleblower Protection […]

The FAA Taxi-Test on Livestream
Watch APT’s “The FAA Taxi Test” on Livestream.com. Don’t get caught in the Crosshairs of a Runway Incursion! Al Worthy from the FAA Central Region Runway Safety Office will present a live interactive program to help keep us out of the runway crosshairs of danger.
This is a new video on FAA.gov that helps prevent runway incursions. It’s interactive and a lot of fun.

Cabin Air Safety Act: Lawmakers introduce legislation in House, Senate
Washington — Legislation introduced in both chambers of Congress is aimed at enhancing the safety of the air supply on commercial aircraft to protect crew and passengers. On April 10, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced the Cabin Air Safety Act of 2019 (S. 1112) in the Senate. Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA) introduced an identical bill […]

ASAP Concerns
We wanted to update you on the status of the Tech Ops ASAP during the government shutdown in order to alleviate any concerns you might have. If you have submitted an ASAP report in the last few weeks and you haven’t received a response from the Tech Ops ASAP Event Review Committee (ERC), do not […]

Torqued: Your Certificate May Be On the Line for What You Don’t Record
The following article is from www.ainonline.com/ A link to the original article can be found at the end of this post as well as on the Flight Safety Committee page. Torqued: Your Certificate May Be On the Line for What You Don’t Record by John Goglia – July 3, 2018 Listen up, my fellow mechanics. […]

CLT Flight Safety Committee: New ASAP Bulletin and Reference Guide
06/07/2018 The Flight Safety Department has posted an ASAP Bulletin and a new reference guide to the Flight Safety Page. This information is also available on the ASAP JetNet page, the AMT homepage banner and has been released via crew talks (line maintenance only). Please go to the Flight Safety Page and scroll down to […]

CLT Flight Safety Committee Survey
11/11/2017 The CLT Flight Safety Committee is conducting a survey of our membership. We are asking you to take a couple of minutes to answer 2 quick questions that will help us serve our members better. Please go here: https://vl1725.org/clt-flight-safety-survey/ and take the survey. It will literally take about 2 minutes of your time. Your answers […]