November 26, 2019
The following letter was sent to Brent Cagle, Aviation Director at CLT by Women’s/Human Rights Committee Chair Renae Miller:
To whom it may concern,
In light of the recent events involving the white van lurking around catering, it is at this time I ask that ALL airport employees receive training on how to recognize Human Trafficking.
Charlotte is rapidly becoming one of the largest cities for human trafficking. We as employees want to come in and out of work without fear of abduction. Most of us enter or exit the parking lots predawn or late night unescorted. I understand we as individuals have to vigilant but it is also the responsibility of my employer, American Airlines and the airport to protect us while on property.
In the Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson airport posters of human trafficking are placed in numerous locations throughout terminal. There are flyers on the back of each bathroom stall to inform potential victims of a phone number to call to get immediate help and to recognize signs of trafficking. This is something that could be critical to combating trafficking at CLT.
It is at this time I ask that you take my suggestion into consideration to educate and protect each and every employee on this property. Local Lodge 1725 will assist in any way needed.
Renae Miller
Womens/Human Rights Chair
Here is Director Cagle’s email response:
Ms. Miller,
The Aviation Department has conducted human trafficking training in the past with AA. I think that it would be good to consider additional future training and awareness campaigns throughout the Airport. I will ask Lee Davis, the Aviation Department’s head of Public Affairs, to reach out to you and to AA management to understand what is currently being done and to develop a strategy for moving forward. Lee is off for the holidays so it will be next week before she reaches out.
Thank you for contacting me directly, I am confident we can work together to raise awareness to this serious issue.
Have a good Holiday.
BRENT D. CAGLE | Aviation Director