Presidents Report
In Victory Lodge 1725’s continuing efforts to support and serve our members, it my pleasure to announce the formation of a new committee designed to do just that for a special group of our brothers and sisters, our veterans. The Victory Lodge 1725’s Veterans Committee was established this month with the following vision:
“Victory Lodge 1725 recognizes the unique situation and needs of our members that have served in our country’s military. We believe it is our duty to help and be of service to those members in any way we can. There is an abundance of public and private programs and services open to military veterans; the problem is very few veterans know what’s available and where to go. Victory Lodge 1725’s Veterans Committee seeks to bridge the informational gap between our members and the programs and services.”
During my monthly visits to the various locations, departments and shifts that make up our local lodge, I had the honor of meeting a number of our members that represent the latest generation of veterans that are now entering our workplace. I must say, that I was surprised by how many there were and how unique their stories are. One of those members was John Hurst, a third shift heavy maintenance mechanic. John has been out of the military for a while but you would never know that by how connected he is with our many veterans and their needs. His passion to help his fellow veterans was the driving force in the creation of our Veterans Committee. Thank you John!
If you know of any members of our local lodge that have served our country, please share this with them. Encourage them to become an active member in this committee as it seeks to serve and support our military veteran brothers and sisters.
Veterans Committee Chair
John Hurst
(704) 813-0004