(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org


2017 is almost behind us. As I look back at this past year, I realized that there is much to be thankful for and proud of at Local Lodge 1725.

This year saw us continue to make improvements at our local lodge. We continued with both exterior and interior upgrades to our building so that our local lodge is a place that our members can be proud of. In addition,we have begun the process of having a dedicated fiber optic line ran to our office and meeting hall to improve our internet and office systems.

2017 saw our local put on many successful events. The Women’s/Human Rights and Young Workers Committees put on a very successful charity golf tournament which raised $2000 for Levine’s Children’s Hospital. We participated in American Airlines annual car show fund raiser and our lodge contributed over $1000 to the Gary Sinise Foundation and Snowball Express. ThisFall saw us put on our annual “Membership Appreciation Days” event which had lots of great food for everyone and fun stuff for the kids to do. Plans are already underway for an even bigger event in 2018 which will be the 75th anniversary of Victory Lodge 1725.

Our members also demonstrated their commitment to be there in times of need for our fellow brothers and sisters. 2017 saw record setting devastation brought on by Hurricanes Harvey, Maria, and Irma. In response Victory Lodge 1725 donated $10,000 to hurricane relief efforts directed towards affected IAM members.

2018 will bring with it more successes but also more challenges. We must continue to strengthen our solidarity by educating our members about the benefits of being union members and encouraging everyone to stay informed and be active participants in the process.

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