Sisters and Brothers:
I have recently received a number of calls regarding the Preferential Hiring Agreement and the Vacation Bid process. In order to eliminate the rumors and misinformation I would like to address these issues here.
Preferential Hiring Agreement signed 8/6/2014
- This agreement provided a pathway for an employee that was furloughed from a specific station to return to that station if the opposite carrier (LAA or LUS) had vacancies that were not filled through the respective CBA and would be going to the street.
- DFW was not available as a preferential Hiring Station as the LAA recall list had been exhausted at the time of the agreement and there had not been a layoff since. These employees should be on the 1ststep of the pay scale or on the proper step based on their classification seniority date. They did serve or are serving the new hire probationary period as it relates to restrictions to transfer, overtime, performance, etc.
- Dennis Merrell – 444609
- Keith Lucy – 696783
- Ernest Campbell – 806815
- Charles Lukacs – 808095
- Lenny Martinez – 630913
Vacation Bidding/Selection
- EVERYONE bids their vacation based on their “time Under the Agreement”- the IAM Agreement in this case.
- You may accrue the amount of vacation by your recognized company hire date.
- An employee will bid ALL of their block vacation prior to the next employee bidding their desired vacation.
Randy Griffith