Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Today, the Senate will vote on bill H.R. 268. If passed, this bill would allow the government to reopen while negotiations continue.
Lawmakers have the power and the responsibility to do what’s right. They need to bring 800,000 federal workers back to work and pay those who are working without pay.
That’s why I am urging IAM members to call their senators today and tell them to support H.R. 268 (Amendment #6), because federal workers, including thousands of IAM and NFFE-IAM members, absolutely cannot afford to be out of work any longer.
TAKE ACTION: Call our hotline at 1-844-236-2373 and tell your U.S. Senators to end the shutdown and put our federal workers and contractors back to work with pay.
In Solidarity,
Sito Pantoja
General Vice President,International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers