(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org
Support Extension of CARES Act NOW!

Support Extension of CARES Act NOW!

July 16, 2020 Since early this year, the airline industry has faced unprecedented impacts from the COVID-19 virus. Passenger loads, normally in the millions per day, are only now in the thousands. Airlines have parked hundreds of their aircraft and reduced flights to...
Support Extension of CARES Act NOW!

It’s About Life or Death

June 2, 2020 In the past few months, we have all been dealing with the deadly global COVID-19 pandemic and the unprecedented collapse of our economy. While we have a lot of work to do on these fronts, these are issues that will be resolved with time, science and sound...
Republicans Look to Strip Away Transportation Workers’ Rights

Republicans Look to Strip Away Transportation Workers’ Rights

Republicans Look to Strip Away Transportation Workers’ Rights House Republicans introduced a bill Wednesday that would establish Right to Work policies nationwide, including the airline and rail sectors. Such a law would severely affect transportation workers in their...