Sponsored by DISTRICT LODGE 141
Competition Rules
- Eligibility
- Essay Rules
- Awards
- Timetable
- Judging
- Disqualification
- Handling
- Submission
- Scholarship Committee
This essay competition is open to children, spouses and dependent grandchildren (as defined by the IRS) of members with one year or more of good standing (as of June 1, 2017) in District Lodge 141 who are graduating high school seniors or who are currently enrolled full time and/or commencing college full time. The competition is also open to any members with one year or more of good standing (as of June 1, 2017) in District Lodge 141 who are enrolled in college with a minimum of six units per semester. District Lodge 141 officers and their families are not eligible. Only one award per family is allowed per year. Past winners are not eligible. Applications must be signed by your Local Lodge President or Recording Secretary.
A bibliography of sources for essay material must be included. The essay must be the work of the entrant or the entrant will be disqualified. The winners may be interviewed by the Scholarship Chairperson. The application must be filled out completely or the entrant will be disqualified.
Essay Rules
The subject of the 2018 essay competition is “Why are Labor Unions Important in Today’s Economy?” All essays must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document and printed on 8 1/2” x 11” white bond paper with a minimum of 700 words and a maximum of 1,000 words. Please include a recent photograph of the applicant. The title must be placed on the top of the paper. The entrant’s name or identification must appear on each page of the essay paper.
One each — $2,000 overall winner
Six each — $1,000 placement winners
Awards will be presented at winners’ Local Lodges after confirmation of student enrollment at an accredited college or university (copy of valid registration or class schedule confirmation).
The Essay Competition will be open Feb. 1, 2018, and will end at midnight, July 1, 2018. Winners will be announced by Aug. 1, 2018.
Judging will be done by an impartial Scholarship Chairperson who is not a member of District Lodge 141 and the impartial Scholarship Committee. The decisions of the Committee will be final.
Previous winners and all entrants not conforming to the contest rules will be disqualified. Disqualification decisions of the Committee are final.
All essays received become the property of District Lodge 141 and may be published in the future using the contestant’s name.
All entry forms must be mailed and postmarked no later than midnight, July 1, 2018. The entry form and essay must be placed in an envelope and mailed to the Scholarship Committee Chairperson at the address shown below. The word SCHOLARSHIP must be written in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope. Also, the electronic version of the essay (as a Microsoft Word document) must be submitted to dan@bleicomm.com.
Scholarship Committee
Daniel Brin, Chair; Frank Casciato, Vice Chair; Mike Delano and Richie Castaneda, Committee Members.