Brothers and Sisters,
The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington DC. Negotiations for M&R were focused on the Filling of Vacancies Articles. Tentative Agreements were reached for these classifications the IAM is responsible for:
Filling of Vacancies for Quality Assurance Auditors, Technical Documentation Specialists & Planners in the M&R group.
Filling of Vacancies for AOG & Material Planers in the MLS/Stores group.
Discussions continued in Filling of Vacancies for the rest of the MLS/Stores group and the M&R group, progress has been made.
Negotiations for Fleet Service were centered on continued discussion on the Vacation, Seniority & Sick Articles.
The entire negotiating team looks forward to using the solidarity of our 30,000 Association Members as we move into the more serious economic issues, such as, insurance and scope discussions with the company in the near future.
A subcommittee from the Negotiating Committee will meet in DFW next week to review the the existing Letters of Agreement for all groups.
Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following week: October 16th
Future dates in November and December have been agreed to.
Fleet Negotiating Committee:
Mark Baskett William Fa Mike Fairbanks Tim Hughes
Steve Miller Tim Murphy Pat Rezler Art Risley
Andre Sutton Rodney Walker Bill Wilson
Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:
Jason Best Mike Bush Ken Coley John Coveny Dale Danker Mark Huffman
Bennie Martino Gary Peterson Rollie Reaves Sean Ryan Jay Sleeman Mark Strength