Brothers and Sisters,
The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of July 17th, in Washington D.C. On the afternoon of July 19th, American Airlines presented their initial proposal covering the remaining articles to your Executive Committee. Upon initial review, the company’s proposal is inadequate and falls far short in providing the contract you deserve. After a year and a half of negotiations with the Company, we are extremely disappointed.
Your negotiating committees have begun the process of evaluating this proposal and remain fully committed to delivering the best contract in the industry on American Airlines.
Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: July 24th, August 14th and August 28th.
Fleet Negotiating Committee:
Mark Baskett William Fa Mike Fairbanks Tim Hughes
Steve Miller Tim Murphy Pat Rezler Art Risley
Andre Sutton Rodney Walker Bill Wilson
Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:
Jason Best Mike Bush Ken Coley John Coveny
Dale Danker Mark Huffman Bennie Martino Gary Peterson
Rollie Reaves Sean Ryan Jay Sleeman Mark Strength