(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org


Brothers and Sisters,

The TWU/IAM Association and  American Airlines agreed that, as part of the interim wage increase agreement negotiated in August 2016, any members that were disadvantaged would be corrected and made whole. The first correction in 2016 affected 33 members.

The parties are pleased to announce that this year, 27 LUS Stock Clerks will receive lump sum payments for incorrect placement on the pay scale as a result of the August 2016 interim wage agreement.

In addition, 163 LAA Title 1 and Title 2 members will receive lump sum payments as result of the negative impact on flex rates as a function of lengthening the pay scale by that same August 2016 interim wage agreement.

The above described payments will be in the October 20, 2017 pay cycle.

Any questions about these payments should be directed to your local TWU or IAM representative.




Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett      William Fa      Mike Fairbanks      Tim Hughes

Steve Miller       Tim Murphy       Pat Rezler               Art Risley

Andre Sutton      Rodney Walker     Bill Wilson


Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:                                        

 Jason Best    Mike Bush    Ken Coley    John Coveny    Dale Danker    Mark Human  

 Bennie Martino   Gary Peterson    Rollie Reaves    Sean Ryan    Jay Sleeman    Mark Strength


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