(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org

As we resumed negotiations in DAY this week, the momentum from last week carried forward and we were able to close the gap on the few remaining issues. As of today, we have reached a Tentative Agreement on terms for your new Collective Bargaining Agreement.  Below are highlights from this Tentative Agreement:


·   14% in wage increases over term (5%-3%-3%-3%) ·   24.5% net increase in CBA value over term with wage, premium and benefit increases
·   7% (wage and A&P license premium) average increase effective on DOS ·   Additional Personal Day Off
·   A&P License premiums now $1.00/each – $2.00/total ·   Avionics premium now $2.00
·   Contained health care increases over term ·   Run/Taxi premium increased to $0.50/hour
·   Increased Per-Diem to $1.80/hour ·   16 continuous hour duty limit
·   5th week of vacation at twenty (20) years ·   Strengthened Field Service language
·   Increased sick leave bank cap to 500 hours ·   Increased sick leave payout at retirement
·   Increased 401(k) benefits – 3 tiers now at 6 months, 6 years and 12 years ·   New Roth IRA 401(k) option
·   New Moving Policy valued at $10,000 ·   New Market Adjustment Premium (MAP) Pay
·   Removed pay freeze language ·   Strengthened scope language
·   Four (4) year term from date of signing ·   Six (6) month early opener for next contract


Copies of the Tentative Agreement will be released as soon as they can be printed and shipped to your Maintenance Bases. Additional details concerning the ratification process will be released shortly. Your Committee worked long and hard to achieve this deal that places you at the top of the industry and recommends a YES vote on this Tentative Agreement. Your patience and solidarity have been instrumental in reaching this Agreement that you deserve.  With best wishes we remain


Sincerely and fraternally,

James M. Samuel


Todd Roan-CAK                          Ian Cole-CLT                                Greg Farmer-DAY



cc:        S. Pantoja
J. Tiberi
T. Klima
District 142 Executive Board


opeiu #277


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Red-Line Contract Language


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