(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org
Website Year in Review: 2017

Website Year in Review: 2017

As we head into 2018 I thought it might be fun to look back on 2017 from the perspective of our lodge website. 2017 was a year of much needed changes, additions and “tweaking” of the new website which was launched on July 13th, 2016. As a web developer I...
Happy New Year 2018!!

Happy New Year 2018!!

The officers and staff of Victory Lodge 1725 would like to wish all our members and their families a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! As we move into 2018 let us all think about what we can do individually and collectively for our lodge and our fellow workers....
AA DFW Mechanic Update

AA DFW Mechanic Update

11/27/2017 Sisters and Brothers: I have recently received a number of calls regarding the Preferential Hiring Agreement and the Vacation Bid process.  In order to eliminate the rumors and misinformation I would like to address these issues here. Preferential Hiring...
Have Dinner on Us!!

Have Dinner on Us!!

11/05/2017 The Women’s/Human Rights Committee would like to give you the chance to win a $50 Gift Card… Just in time for Thanksgiving! How would you use the $50? Maybe a big, fat turkey on the table? Or maybe you’ll use it towards a little weekend...