EAP Peer Coordinators: Coronavirus has changed everything. All Airlines have experienced a severe drop off of load factors associated with reduced flying due to governmental flying restrictions. This special edition addresses the situation by looking at how to cope with stress in this specific situation. I ask you to distribute the issue everywhere you believe it would benefit from the content. We are facing unprecedented events – you are on the front lines and getting the brunt of this most difficult situation. Know that all of us – the regional representative, the airline coordinators and me are all available to talk through any situation. That is why we are here – to support you.
Thank you for supporting your co-workers while you and your family are facing the same uncertainty. One thing I do know – we will get through this – together. There has never been anything we have not been able to respond to and to find our way through! I am confident we will get through this.
Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.