With the memberships acceptance of the Tentative Agreement last week, work began shortly thereafter on implementation and associated timelines. Conversations began Friday towards the first steps needed. I am pleased to report to you that with the support of your Negotiating Committee, we discussed and agreed with the Company to make all wage provisions pursuant to the new Collective Bargaining Agreement effective with the new pay period beginning today, April 2, 2018. We have also agreed to a date of signing (DOS) which will occur on Friday, April 6, 2018. For the changes to the 401(k), they will have an effective date of May 1, 2018 to allow for modification of the plan and other associated changes that are needed for implementation.
It will take some time to bring all the base admins, supervisors and managers, etc., throughout the system up to speed on the myriad of changes contained in the new agreement. We will continue to communicate associated information as it becomes available.
Your Negotiating Committee again offers thanks everyone who participated in this process. Your patience and solidarity were instrumental in seeing this process to a successful conclusion. With best wishes we remain
Sincerely and fraternally,
James M. Samuel
Todd Roan Rodger Jackson Ian Cole Brandon Davis Greg Farmer