(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org


Negotiations resumed this week in Kansas City, Missouri.  Present for the Company were Margaret Soda, VP-Human Resources as spokesperson, Gary Pratt, VP-Maintenance and Marcus Valentino, Director-Labor Relations. Your full Union negotiating committee were present and again joined by Grand Lodge Representative John Werkmeister.

Multiple passes occurred this week relating to all remaining open economic items with progress being made in many areas. There again were significant moves made by the Company that represent considerable value, however we still are apart on a few items and will continue to work on closing the remaining gap in those areas. We completed the week with a final pass from the Company late on Thursday afternoon with not enough time during the remainder of the day to complete an assessment and respond with a counter-proposal. We will be prepared to respond when we again meet in CMH during the week of October 23, 2017.  At this time additional meeting dates have been confirmed for the weeks of October 30, 2017 in CLT and December 4, 2017 in DAY.

As soon as each mediation sessions conclude, information concerning those sessions will be released via bulletins on District Lodge letterhead. Please take the time to sign up to receive communications such as this PSA bulletin, and others, by going to WWW.IAMDL142.ORG and clicking on the red “Join Our Email List” button in the top left-hand corner. If you have questions, please contact me, one of your negotiating committee members or a Shop Steward.  Your patience and solidarity will be essential in reaching a fair and equitable agreement for the membership as this process keeps moving forward.


With best wishes we remain

Sincerely and fraternally,

James M. Samuel


Todd Roan-CAK                          Ian Cole-CLT                                Greg Farmer-DAY



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