Negotiations continued this week in Cincinnati, Ohio. Present again for the Company were Margaret Soda, VP-Human Resources as spokesperson, Gary Pratt, VP-Maintenance and Marcus Valentino, Director-Labor Relations. Your full Union negotiating committee was present. Due to government funding issues, NMB Mediator Jack Kane was unable to attend.
The week started with an update on several initiatives in motion at PSA, the most recent of which being the expansion opportunities in Norfolk, VA. As a part of the new CBA being negotiated, some of the changes that have already been agreed to were implemented pre-ratification via an Letter of Agreement (LOA) to allow PSA to be more successful in their recruiting and hiring efforts. These changes also apply to all current employees hired in the last three years that have been frozen at a pay step from their date of hire. The changes allow for hiring rates above the third step and immediately removes the freeze indefinitely. Copies of the LOA will be available shortly in each of the bases by checking with your Shop Steward.
Work on the new CBA continued with the remaining economic items in Articles 7, 8, 11, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 28 being the subject of multiple passes while trying to close the remaining differences in positions. I am again pleased to report that the Company has made significant moves in our direction as this Agreement comes together. It is conceivable that we will be concluding these talks next week with details to follow. The next scheduled session is set to occur throughout next week in Dayton, Ohio.
If you have questions, please contact myself, one of your negotiating committee members or a Shop Steward. Your patience and solidarity have been and will continue to be essential in reaching an Agreement that you deserve. With best wishes we remain
Sincerely and fraternally,
James M. Samuel
Todd Roan-CAK Ian Cole-CLT Greg Farmer-DAY