(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org


Voting on the recently released Tentative Agreement reached with your carrier was conducted this week in CAK, DAY, CVG, CLT and GSP.  With just under 80% of the total membership participating in this ratification, the Tentative Agreement was rejected by over 92% by the voting membership.

We will begin the process of soliciting the membership for the issues that led to the overwhelming rejection of this Tentative Agreement.  Details on the next steps will be released on a future bulletin and all activities will be coordinated through your Shop Stewards once released.

Your Negotiating Committee wishes to thank everyone who participated in this process.  Your continued patience and solidarity will be instrumental in seeing this process to a successful conclusion.


With best wishes we remain

Sincerely and fraternally,

James M. Samuel


Todd Roan-CAK                          Ian Cole-CLT                                Greg Farmer-DAY


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