(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org


Many people have been questioning the rules and requirements that are being communicated for the upcoming ratification vote.  They can be found on page 18 of the District Lodge 142 By-Laws which read in part:


Section 1.  All negotiated contracts shall be submitted to the membership affected for ratification. Each negotiated airline contract shall be forwarded, with all changes plainly marked, to each subject local in sufficient numbers for each local lodge officer (working under the contract affected), Grievance Committee   member and local contact for a minimum of five (5) days study prior to the balloting for ratification. This 5-day minimum notice will not apply when the membership is out on strike, but would be acted on as quickly as possible.  All locals shall receive a minimum of five (5) days’ notice of a meeting to be called for the purpose of ratifying a contract. Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot.  In addition, the President/Directing General   Chair and/or hers/his designated representative shall be present at each ratification meeting to explain and advise the membership of the Negotiating Committee’s recommendation to accept or reject before the polls are open for voting. Immediately following the vote, the local lodge tellers will tally the vote and forward tally and votes to the District.”

If you are in a training class, you will need to come to one of the locations where the ratification vote is being conducted in each Maintenance Base to vote as there are no absentee ballots allowed for a contract ratification vote.  Those dates and times for each Maintenance Base are listed in the 11/6/17 bulletin.

Your Negotiating Committee members will be available between now and the ratification vote to answer all questions you may have about the TA and they have unanimously recommend a YES vote on this Tentative Agreement.  You can also send any questions to jsamuel@iamdl142.org.  Your patience and solidarity have been instrumental in reaching this TA and your participation in the ratification process is important.  With best wishes we remain


Sincerely and fraternally,

James M. Samuel
General Chairperson


          Todd Roan                                              Ian Cole                                            Greg Farmer

        CAK                                                        CLT                                                       DAY

Negotiating Committee Members



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