(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org

Brothers and Sisters:

Question and Answer sessions will occur alongside with voting. Negotiators and General Chairs will be present in each location to explain all changes made, and available to answer questions. 

Only members in good standing will be allowed to participate in the ratification process.

Members will be able to vote in any location; however, everyone must have a Company badge or government issued picture i.d.

There is no provision for absentee ballots under the IAM Constitution. Members must vote in person.

Ballots will be overnighted to the District Lodge at the end of each voting day. Executed ballots will be clearly marked so the envelopes will remain sealed until the vote tally begins once all ballots are received. Ballots will be counted once all station envelopes are received; in addition, the tally will be completed by Southwest Airlines members and be assisted by the District Trustees.

Your Negotiating Committee unanimously recommends a YES vote and encourages every member to cast their ballot when the time comes.


Click here to download Ratification Schedule. Please Post on all IAM Bulletin Boards

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