(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org

We are excited to tell you about two new features of our website that we are working on. In the coming weeks you’ll see the addition of a new page devoted to resources to assist furloughed members of our local. In the twelve + years since the massive layoffs at the Charlotte Heavy Maintenance, Line Maintenance and Support Shop facilities, many of our members have been recalled back to their jobs. Many more still wait for a call. Others have resigned, retired or otherwise moved on. We want those members to have resources to assist them in making important decisions about their future. We’ll let you know when this page goes live!

Another feature we are excited about is our Spotlight on Service. What’s this all about? Simple .. it’s about you! We have lots of amazing members who spend countless hours while off the clock volunteering their time, talents and resources to better their communities, schools, churches, charities and civic organizations. These members organize food drives, head up service groups and clubs, feed and house the homeless, visit shut-ins, assist veterans and much more. Beginning around mid-July we’ll spotlight one or more of our members each month who are doing extraordinary acts of service.

Stay Tuned!! We’re just getting started around here!


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