(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org
New video and photo galleries added!!

New video and photo galleries added!!

04/13/2018 This is a busy and important time for our union and especially our local. You the Members have been hard at work on a lot of projects and our lodge was honored this week with a visit from IAM GVP Sito Pantoja and other members of The Association Negotiating...
IAM’s American Negotiators Visit Charlotte

IAM’s American Negotiators Visit Charlotte

04/13/2018 Transportation GVP Sito Pantoja Wednesday visited members at Local Lodge 1725 in Charlotte. GVP Pantoja, accompanied by representatives from his staff, provided an update on the status of contract negotiations with American Airlines. District 141 President...
CLT Flight Safety Committee Survey

CLT Flight Safety Committee Survey

11/11/2017 The CLT Flight Safety Committee is conducting a survey of our membership. We are asking you to take a couple of minutes to answer 2 quick questions that will help us serve our members better. Please go here: https://vl1725.org/clt-flight-safety-survey/ and...