March 15, 2020
As events surrounding the coronavirus change on a frequent basis, we need to examine how we continue forward towards ratification of the Tentative Agreement at American Airlines. We have begun the station information meetings and have them scheduled thru March 25th. Ratification is set for March 26th.
I’ve heard the concerns from our members of getting together in large groups to attend these meetings. I understand those concerns and want to assure all members that we are here to answer all concerns you may have regarding the TA. We are currently developing a video for those members who are unable to attend the upcoming information meetings. As soon as the video is completed, it will be posted on the District website – If you have not signed up for email updates, please go to the Email Signup Link and sign up. You will get all updates going forward.
Please be sure to visit the District website listed above for the TA and associated highlight sheets for your respective agreements.
We have established an email address for our members who want to submit their questions or concerns. That email address is Please provide your personal email address, work location and a phone number and we will call to address your concerns.
Now, more than ever, it is important that everyone participates in the ratification vote. Everyone deserves to have their questions addressed before the vote. We are providing these options to help educate the membership.
Please stay safe and follow the CDC guidelines.