(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org
IAM PSA Airlines Second TA Ratification Info

IAM PSA Airlines Second TA Ratification Info

03/22/2018 As of today, the amended Tentative Agreement has been shipped to all bases for everyone to receive a copy so check with your Steward or Committee member to receive and sign for your copy. It is also posted on the District Lodge 142 website which can be...
American Derails Negotiations

American Derails Negotiations

03/22/2018 In this period between scheduled negotiating sessions, the Association leadership met with American Airlines management principals in the hope of better understanding each other’s position on the outstanding issues that need to be resolved in order to...
IAM PSA Airlines Second TA Ratification Info

IAM PSA Airlines Second Tentative Agreement Info

03/14/2018 The copies of the recently reached amended Tentative Agreement have been posted on the District Lodge 142 website which can be found at www.iamdl142.org.   Once there, you will find one shorter copy that contains just the changes to Article 10.H. (only) and...
IAM PSA Airlines Second TA Ratification Info

IAM PSA Airlines Second Tentative Agreement Reached

03/09/2018 With the failed TA prior to the holidays, meetings began at the end of January under the auspices of the NMB.  They continued through February in to March with the last meeting occurring yesterday. I am pleased to announce that we have reached a 2nd...
Alaska Airlines Negotiations Update – March 16th 2018

Alaska Airlines Negotiations Update

03/02/2018 Sisters and Brothers: The joint Alaska Airlines Negotiating Committee continued negotiations with Alaska Airlines management this past week in Anchorage, Alaska.  This session was dedicated to RSSA contract issues. Represented by the Company were: Greg...