(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org
IAM/PSA Airlines Ratification Vote Information

IAM/PSA Airlines Ratification Vote Information

12/01/2017 Voting on the recently released Tentative Agreement reached with your carrier was conducted this week in CAK, DAY, CVG, CLT and GSP.  With just under 80% of the total membership participating in this ratification, the Tentative Agreement was rejected by...
Alaska Airlines Negotiations Update

Alaska Airlines Negotiations Update

12/01/2017 Sisters and Brothers: The joint Alaska Airlines Negotiating Committee continued negotiations with Alaska Airlines management this week in Seattle, Washington, at the SeaTac DoubleTree. Represented by the Company were:  Greg Mays, Vice President/Labor; Wayne...
Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue – 12/08/2017

AA DFW Mechanic Update

11/27/2017 Sisters and Brothers: I have recently received a number of calls regarding the Preferential Hiring Agreement and the Vacation Bid process.  In order to eliminate the rumors and misinformation I would like to address these issues here. Preferential Hiring...