by Admin | Sep 16, 2021 | Negotiations, Southwest Airlines
Brothers and Sisters: Please note, all meetings in all reservation centers will now be held from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. local time, to allow all members the opportunity to participate in the meeting and vote. Also, the Sarasota (SRQ) meeting will be held on...
by Admin | Sep 15, 2021 | Negotiations, Southwest Airlines
Below are questions we have received regarding the Tentative Agreement and the responses to those questions. If you have additional questions that are not addressed below, please submit them to and one of the General Chairs will...
by Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Negotiations, Southwest Airlines
Brothers and Sisters: Question and Answer sessions will occur alongside with voting. Negotiators and General Chairs will be present in each location to explain all changes made, and available to answer questions. Only members in good standing will...
by Admin | Aug 27, 2019 | Alaska Airlines, Negotiations
August 27, 2019 Ratification for the Alaska COPS and RSSA Agreements took place July 8 through August 9, 2019. Both agreements PASSED by over 90% of the respective members that voted. The newly approved tentative agreements provide for 10-16% pay increases...