(704)357-0027 manager@vl1725.org
IAM PSA Airlines Second Tentative Agreement Reached

IAM PSA Airlines Second Tentative Agreement Reached

03/09/2018 With the failed TA prior to the holidays, meetings began at the end of January under the auspices of the NMB.  They continued through February in to March with the last meeting occurring yesterday. I am pleased to announce that we have reached a 2nd...
IAM PSA Airlines Second Tentative Agreement Reached

IAM/PSA Negotiations Update – 02/20/2018

2/20/2017 After the analysis of the proposals returned by the membership occurred during the week of January 8, this past week ended 9 days of direct meetings with the Company this year under the auspices of the National Mediation Board, and Mediator Eva Durham, who...
IAM PSA Airlines Second Tentative Agreement Reached

IAM/PSA Airlines Ratification Vote Information

12/01/2017 Voting on the recently released Tentative Agreement reached with your carrier was conducted this week in CAK, DAY, CVG, CLT and GSP.  With just under 80% of the total membership participating in this ratification, the Tentative Agreement was rejected by...